Mezzo designs and fabricates recuperators for both high temp and cryogenic applications. When compared to conventional shell and tube technology, Mezzo’s recuperators are typically more compact and have higher effectiveness. Mezzo has designed both gas-gas and gas-liquid recuperators. Because of the incredibly high UA associated with Mezzo’s microtube products, cost savings can often be realized over conventional shell and tube heat exchangers due to the small comparative size of a Mezzo-designed replacement. Mezzo offers:
High-temperature recuperators
Cryogenic recuperators
Shell and Tube heat exchangers from several inches to several feet long
Rakhial, Ahmedabad, Gujarat, India
Miami, FL, USA
Box 112023, Dubai, UAE
Ahmedabad - 380006, Gujarat, India
Kiowa, CO, USA
Callalta, Province of Treviso, Italy
Baton Rouge, LA 70814, USA