Elecrical Probe

Shenyang EMT Piping Technology Co., Ltd

Elecrical Probe


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In media of Elecrical Probe, the metal wire as a measuring element will be corroded. At this time, the length of the wire remains unchanged, the diameter decreases, and the resistance increases. The corrosion thinning amount of metal wire can be converted by measuring the change of resistance. When the material of the metal wire used is the same as that of the measured equipment, the corrosion rate of the metal wire can be used to approximately represent the corrosion rate of the equipment. The resistance probe measurement technology is based on the above principle. The establishment of resistance probe measurement method can timely display the corrosion of equipment and pipelines. We can find abnormal corrosion in time. So this can avoid safety production caused by equipment corrosion. Therefore, it is an effective means of corrosion detection.

Because resistance probe measurement can track the corrosion behavior of metal surface in real environment. It can also master the corrosion rate and corrosion condition. Therefore, we can take corresponding anti-corrosion measures in time. Or take timely measures to control the corrosion rate within the required range. The establishment of resistance probe measurement method can timely display the corrosion of equipment and pipelines. And also quickly find abnormal corrosion conditions, and avoid safety production caused by equipment corrosion. It is an effective corrosion detection method. The design of data processing software for resistance probe measurement is simple, practical and effective. This practical probe data management improves the efficiency of data processing. It is also convenient to query corrosion data. The development and application of resistance probe measurement system also enriches the means of corrosion monitoring. This provides favorable technical support for the safe operation of the equipment.
Because corrosion is a process of material property degradation caused by chemical reaction between material and its environment. So corrosion is a global problem with serious losses. And then the economic losses caused by corrosion every year are very huge. According to the survey, “the annual economic losses caused by corrosion in the United States can reach 276billion US dollars, equivalent to 3.1% of its gross domestic product (GDP). The total annual corrosion loss in China can reach more than 497.9 billion yuan, equivalent to 5% of gross domestic product (GDP).

At the same time, the safety accidents caused by the deterioration of material properties are often catastrophic. For example, in 1992, a sewer explosion in Guadalajara, Mexico, caused 215 deaths. More than 1500 people were injured. The cause of the accident was the natural gas leakage caused by the corrosion of the natural gas pipeline and then entering the nearby main sewer.

In China, major safety accidents caused by corrosion also occur from time to time. For example, in 2013, Sinopec Qingdao Donghuang oil pipeline leaked and exploded, causing a catastrophic safety accident in which 66 people were killed and 9 people were missing. The main reason for this accident is the corrosion failure of the oil pipeline. So as the most commonly used basic material in the production, construction and other industries, the corrosion of metal materials in the environment is inevitable.

Therefore, in order to avoid and prevent serious economic losses and major safety accidents, it is very important to monitor the failure process of materials in the working environment. Elecrical Probe is a method to obtain the information about the corrosion process of materials or the corrosivity of the environment on materials over time. It is not only a part of corrosion technology. But also the most important part of corrosion protection and control. Resistance probe corrosion monitoring technology is a method of corrosion monitoring by measuring the resistance change of metal in the corrosion process.

Firstly, it began to be used in the 1950s, and was first proposed by scholars dravnieks and cataldi in 1954. In 1957, Freedman et al. Further improved the structure of the resistance probe. Then in 1996, Brown et al. Proposed the concept of resistance probe, which can also be called electronic coupon. Therefore, resistance probe technology is a real-time monitoring means that can provide continuous corrosion data. It has the characteristics of simple principle, convenient operation and strong applicability. Since the resistance probe was applied to the field of corrosion monitoring. It has also played a very important role in the corrosion monitoring of materials.

Shenyang EMT Piping Technology Co., Ltd


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No.521-3, Lixiang Village, Hunnan District, Shengyang City, Liaoning Province, China
